Hooray!! Gymkhana is Back! Make sure you read all information; things have changed just a little this year.
Season: Summer
Dates: Gymkhana event will start at 6:30
- May 19th
- June 30th
- July 14th
- August 25th
Location: Summit County Fair Grounds – 202 Park Rd, Coalville, UT
Registration: We are trying a new system for online entries. Please sign up before the event to avoid a late fee. If you are having troubles signing up please watch this tutorial. Search for Event Name North Summit Recreation Gymkhana May 19.
Registration fees may be paid with a credit card but there will be an additional credit card processing fee. You may also pay the day of the event with cash. Don’t forget the $15 membership fee for each rider if you would like to qualify for the end of year award.
- 5:45-6:15 – Time Only’s for barrels or poles. Pay $5 at the gate for each run. Time permitting
- 6:15-6:30 – Flag
- 6:30 – Start Gymkhana Events – Starting with PeeWee barrels.
- After Gymkhana Events Roping time Only’s ($5 at gate) Finished by 9:30/10:00 PM time permitting.
Playday Rules
- Roping event: Calf Breakaway time Onlys or team roping time Only’s with the roping dummies. We will be rotating between the two starting with calf/breakaway roping. This is time permitting only. Provided four-wheeler and dummy. We are hopeful to have barrel roping at the end of the season.
- **NEW** Warm up arena is for warming up only. The barrels and other props are NOT to be set up and practiced. This makes it very hazardous for others warming up. We appreciate your understanding.
- All Riders are recommended to wear helmets, cowboy boots, long pants, long sleeve shirt, and use a western type saddle for safety reasons.
- NO REFUNDS for any reason
- NO Running horses through the parking areas
- NO running horses through the entry/exit gates. Horses must be ridden through both gates at a walk. The arena gate is to remain CLOSED during all runs, for safety. Horses will be allowed help when entering the arena as long as it is done in a safe manner.
- A BROKEN PATTERN constitutes a NO TIME = 0 score/ 0 points
- There is a 5 SECOND penalty for knocking over a barrel or pole.
- If a timer failure occurs, the rider has the option of a re-ride.
- The age of the rider as of JANUARY 1 ST will determine the division the rider will compete in for that year.
- TIES: if there are any ties in the points for the final year end standings: times from the same three bonus patterns will be added together for each affected rider, the fastest time will be the winner.
- LEAD-LINE DIVISON: Open to any age rider, the horse must be led with a lead rope. Lead-line riders will navigate one pattern only: a combined
obstacle course of a shortened version of all three Playday patterns. All participants must be at the gate and ready to enter the arena when the division is called. No points/times will be given. Ribbons or prizes will be awarded at the gate. - WALK-TROT DIVISION: Open to any age rider, walk or trot only. There will be a 1 second penalty added to the rider’s time for loping, per stride. A
parent, or designated coach, is allowed in the arena. The rider must be in control of the horse at all times. Prizes will be awarded at year end banquet. - MULTIPLE HORSES: A rider may only enter one horse in their age division. 2 nd Horse may be entered in the 4H Division.
- POINTS: Points from 10 on down for 1st through 10th place, per pattern, will be awarded. If a rider has entered (paid fees for) all three patterns and
failed to ride in the last pattern, a 0 score will be awarded for that pattern. - YEAR END AWARDS: $15 Membership Fee to qualify for end of year prizes. You do not have to pay if you do not want to be qualified. Qualifications for yearend prizes include.
- Paid $15 membership fee
- Attend at least three playdays
- Rider/Parent volunteer at least 2x at playdays (pattern, set up, gates, ect)
- YEAR END AWARDS: POINT HORSE: Rider must ride the same horse in ALL three patterns for the day, in order to earn points for the year-end awards. Rider must designate this horse at the start of each playday. A substitution is only allowed in the case of illness or injury to the point horse, rider must notify a representative from the Recreation District or Summit County 4H before changing. If a rider breaks this rule, points will be forfeited, resulting in a 0 score for the patterns ridden under the wrong horse.
- YEAR END AWARDS: RIDE REQUIREMENTS: Rider must ride in a minimum of THREE playdays during the current year for points to count toward year end awards. The rider is allowed to miss ONE playday only.
- YEAR END AWARDS: VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: Rider, or a family member, must volunteer time at a minimum of TWO playdays in order to qualify for year-end awards.
Rider Divisions
NOTE: Riders must use the same horse for all 3 patterns and for the entire playday series. The age of the rider as of January 1st will determine the division the rider will compete in for that year.
Novice Divisions
- Lead-line – A shortened version of all 3 patterns together in the arena, consecutively. Ribbons and prizes will be awarded) $10.00
- Walk-Trot – Open to all ages, all patterns
Open Division
Payouts will be awarded in each pattern – $10.00 per pattern to enter
- Pee-wee – 10 & Under
- Junior – 11 to 13
- Youth – 14 to 17
- Adult – 18 to 39
- Legends – 40 & Over
The Figure 8 Cowhorse pattern is a bonus pattern that has bee added to the August 8th playday.

Point System
Points will be accumulated at each playday and will go towards exciting year end prizes!
Qualifications for year end prizes:
- Attend at least 3 playdays
- Rider/Parent volunteer at least 2x at playdays (pattern set up, gates, ect)
2021 Playday Point System
- 1 st Place = 10 pts
- 2 nd Place = 9 pts
- 3 rd Place= 8 pts
- 4 th Place= 7 pts
- 5 th Place = 6 pts
- 6 th Place = 5 pts
- 7 th Place= 4 pts
- 8 th Place= 3 pts
- 9 th Place= 2 pts
- 10 th Place= 1 pt
Questions about entries can be sent to: nsgymkhana@gmail.com or contact us.